Naivy Trauma Ointment – Treatment for Dog Sprains – Vetisse


Vetisse Naivy Trauma Ointment for Cats and Dogs

It is common to see your pet limp and whine if they have a pulled muscle; Naivy Trauma ointment is a natural blend which helps support your dog’s overall health when suffering from a pulled muscle or tendon. Be cautious when using this product on cats because of the trace of tea tree oil.


How To Adminster Naivy Trauma Ointment To your Pet

Be sure to use Naivy Trauma ointment 3 to 4 times per day in order to heal your pet’s pulled muscle, broken bone or sprain. In high dosages tea tree oil is dangerous to young cats- especially kittens. Naivy Trauma ointment is for external use only.

Main Ingredients Include:

  • White Oak bark (Quercus alba)
  • Lobelia herb (Lobelia inflata)
  • Comfrey root (Symphytum officinalis)
  • Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis)
  • Mullein leaf (Verbascum thapsus)
  • Gravel root (Eupatorium purpureum)
  • Wormwood herb (Artemisia absinthium)
  • Skullcap herb (Scutellaria lateriflora)
  • Black Walnut hulls (Juglans nigra)
  • Tea tree essential oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
  • Eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus globulus)

Non-Medical ingredients include:

  • Bee’s wax
  • Olive oil

Where to buy Vetisse

Vetisse is available at the following websites: Buy Vetisse Products at 1stPetNaturals.comBuy Vetisse Products at Pawsitviely PureBuy Vetisse Products at Buy Vetisse Products at
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