Stress Ease for Dog Anxiety – Vetisse


Vetisse StressEase for Cats and Dogs

Stress Ease was formulated to calm dogs that are easily excitable or stressed. If your dog is stressed you may notice he or she is panting more often than usual as well as coughing or shaking. Dogs yawn constantly when stressed. Additional physical symptoms of dog stress include: sneezing, scratching, chewing, trembling, and diarrhea.


How To Adminster StressEase To your Pet

Give Stress Ease orally to your dog twice a day and determine the dosage used according to your dog’s weight. If your dog is between 0 to 25lbs the dose is 0.5ml. If your dog is between 26 to 50lbs the dose is 1.0ml. If your dog is between 51 to 75lbs the dose is 1.5ml. If your dog is over 75lbs the dose is 2.0ml.

Main Ingredients Include:

  • Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis)
  • Horsetail grass (Equisetum arvense)
  • Black Cohosh root (Actaea racemosa)
  • Hops Strobile (Humulus lupulus)
  • Lobelia herb (Lobelia inflata)
  • Scullcap herb (Scutellaria lateriflora)
  • Wood Betony herb (Stachys officinalis)
  • Mistletoe herb (Viscum album)
  • Pulsatilla root (Anemone pulsatilla)
  • Motherwort herb (Leonurus cardiaca)

Non-Medical ingredients include:

  • Purified water
  • Alcohol

Where to buy Vetisse

Vetisse is available at the following websites: Buy Vetisse Products at 1stPetNaturals.comBuy Vetisse Products at Pawsitviely PureBuy Vetisse Products at Buy Vetisse Products at
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